Fish Scaling Services Trifisk Manufacturing Inc. is the manufacturer of new fish processing equipment inlcuding commercial and industrial fish scalers. We also offer complete maintenance and repair services to keep your automatic high-speed fish scalers running their best. Fish Scaler Repairs and Maintenance Services Our complete line of fish descaler services includes: Complete refurbishing of all automatic, high-speed fish scalers (Trifisk, Simor, Simnar, Fishmore) Resurfacing of descaling heads and feed rollers. Full range of specialized parts for Trifisk, Simor, Simnar, and FIshmore Automatic High-Speed FIsh Scaling Equipment and Trifisk handheld Pin Bone Removal machines. Machining and CAD Services using the latest 3D software. We accept DWG, DXF, IGES and other software files. Used Fish Scalers for Sale Trifisk Manufacturing also sells used fish scalers including the Trifisk, Simor, Simnar, and Fishmore brands. Contact us for further information about our used fish descalers and what models we…